Online Dating vs. Old School Dating
I made it clear a couple of weeks ago that my interest in being in an exclusive relationship is minimal. Actually – it is probably even less than that. But dating could be fun, right? Fancy dinners. Tickets to the NHL playoffs. Romantic weekends away. Ok. Maybe not. I don’t think it works that way. Unless you are on the Bachelorette. So, I started thinking about how it would work if I wanted to start dating.
Since most of my friends are married and so are their friends, that plan wouldn’t work. What about work? Nope. How about the gym? Ugh. No. I really don’t want to do a partner WOD with someone I made out with. Awkward. Maybe Whole Foods? Target? Brothers Brew? Meeting someone out and about takes a huge leap of faith. Something I totally believe in. Not everyone is comfortable leaving it up to fate. If you leave it up to fate, you’re still open to finding love and hopeful that the universe has someone special in store for you. Just think about how special it’s going to feel when you end up with that someone special. Aaah. Unicorn-status! It's going to happen!
Ok. So fate isn’t for you? Fine. Try online dating. GASP. Let’s say I start perusing the Interwebs and the multiple different dating sites. Where would I even start? What would I write about myself?
Likes: Barstool Pizza Reviews, Crossfit, Cam Neely
Dislikes: Cargo shorts, Obnoxious Yankee Fans
Listen – I have nothing against online dating. One of my best friends is getting married in September. Guess where she met her fiancé? The internet. I just don’t think it’s for me. It’s exhausting. You will most likely have to go on one million dates to eventually find someone you are compatible with. And other thing, profiles can be deceiving. People lie about everything. Their height, age, weight, salary. They post ridiculous photos. See below.
Umm. Should I go on a date with this guy? WTF is up with the wedding photo, bro?
Online dating is a little too misleading for me. Hello, Catfish? They made a TV show about bringing couples together who've only communicated through the internet. It’s basically the truths and lies about online dating in one place. Noooo. Thanks. Scary. Didn’t your mother teach you that the truth always comes out?
I’ve gone on a few internet dates in the past. I don’t have any horrible experiences…unless you count the obscene and inappropriate photos. Just in case you are wondering. No. I don’t want to see it. But thanks. I guess I’ll just stick with the traditional old-fashioned way of dating.