The Truth About Being Too Busy
I’m not going to lie. It’s taken me a couple of weeks to think of a relevant blog topic. Then I read somewhere that people should stop using “busyness” as an excuse or a form of procrastination. Whoever said that probably wasn’t talking to or about a single mom. Or any mom actually.
In the car heading somewhere. Not sure where but thankfully we are adorable.
When I say I’m too busy to do something, it’s not an excuse. It’s reality. Did I want to get to the gym on Tuesday? You bet I did. But when would I find time to do that? I did not have an extra hour anywhere in my day to get to CFCA. My schedule was full. My day was hectic. Call it what you want but I was too busy! Between ironing clothes, packing lunches, carefully measuring out my food for the day, work, carting Ben to whatever practice and don’t forget Rock Dizzle, pretty sure being busy is not an excuse for Team Scola, it’s the truth.
All business at summer hockey.
I’ll be the first one to admit it if I’m procrastinating. Whether it is tackling a tedious project at work or cleaning the bathroom, we all do it. We all put off things we don’t want to do. But that’s not what I’m talking about. Listen – I’m not trying to sound like a pompous ass. I don’t want people thinking I’m too important for them. I’m not a CEO and my workload can be tackled on a flexible schedule but juggling a million things is exhausting and time consuming.
When Kara asked me why I was excited about 2018 I wrote:
Make an effort to improve compassion for myself
One of the ways I’ve been trying to do that is by not overscheduling us. Ben included. Of course, I want him to do all of the things. I bet if you ask him though one of his favorite things to do is Friday Night Game Night (or Forced Family Fun Night). We stay home, usually order food and play games. Like board games. Although – that damn PS4 makes that a little bit harder.
We love our downtime at home.
There are a few things that we are never too busy for. Our family and friends. Getting together can be a scheduling nightmare (financially, previous commitments, etc.). We all know how that goes. But are you ever really “too busy” for the important people in your life? How long does it take to send a quick text? Or drop someone a hand-written note? Not that long.
Next time you tell someone you are too busy, be honest with yourself. Are you really that busy?