Mom Confession: I’m Happy that Summer is Over!
Well – not exactly.
Before you yell at me for wishing away your beach days, hear me out. I don’t have an official countdown until my car is buried under 6 feet of snow and I certainly haven’t switched my closet over to my Fall clothes yet. Mostly because it’s still 90 degrees out. But I am excited that Ben is finally back in school.
My sister and I looking fly on the first day of school. 1988 maybe?
I’ve always loved September. Back to school shopping. My birthday month. The beginning of the school year. It’s like the Fall Trifecta. It helps that Ben looks forward to going back to school. I feel bad for the parents struggling to get their kids on the bus. I thought taking away PS4 during the school year was a battle. I can’t even imagine trying to console a child that gets back to school anxiety.
The biggest reason why I’m waving goodbye to summer is that we do better on a schedule. Ben occaosionaly struggles with self-control and was recently diagnosed with ADHD. A solid routine is critical for his success. Over the summer, our schedule is a more fluid. I try to maintain a sense of normalcy for his sake but we all know how that goes. Cookout here. Pool party there. He works so hard during the school year and deserves a chance to unwind over the summer and just be a kid.
And let’s not forget about MY schedule. Hey! Self-care is important! Now that Ben is back in school, I can plan my gym routine out for the week. Kara and I have both talked about the benefits of working out on the regular. Going to the gym is good for my sanity. It makes me a better Mom and overall a more pleasant person to be around. Which is big plus for everyone!
Back to school also means back to sports. Ben has a massive amount of energy to burn off and the benefits of physical activity are well-documented and endless. I try to stick to the one sport a season rule. But hockey is the exception. I know. I know. It’s a long season but it’s the perfect sport for him. The game is in constant motion, his exercise levels are through the roof and he feels good about himself. A little self-confidence goes a long way.
No more characters on his backpack. Big kid status.
So while some mothers (and fathers) shed a tear saying goodbye to their children for 6 hours a day, Ben and I high-five each other and go our separate ways. He is happy. I'm happy. It's big win for us both.