How to Discover and Celebrate Your Gifts

I firmly believe that fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of public shame and humiliation is the biggest reason we keep our gifts and talents to ourselves. Fear is a liar. Fear will tell you that you aren’t good enough, qualified enough, have enough certificates or any other kind of verification. Or you have this crazy idea that EVERYONE needs to approve or like what you are doing. Again, nope. You are good enough and forget the approval of the masses, never going to happen.

Being ZEN in Chaos: An AMA Post

Listen, I have heard more than once in my life that I am pretty calm considering I have a hundred children. (Four, I have four.) People have been around me and have seen me handle meltdowns and toddlers bolting and 4 stinky diapers at once and the screaming and the fighting and all the glorious wonder that comes from having a lot of kids so close in age. So yes, I will admit that I have had a lot of opportunities to practice this calm mindset. And before I tell you all my tricks and secrets, I want to tell you a quick story.

Your Best Also Looks Like My Best: A Plea To Stop Comparing Each Other

The effort you’re giving into this whole parenthood thing is not any less than the effort I’m giving. Are my logistics sometimes a little trickier than yours? Sure. Maybe. I spend money on childcare and weekly dates night to cope, to be honest. But, you have lost just as much sleep as me. You’ve probably skipped just as many showers as I have. And I bet you also locked yourself in the bathroom when you actually haven’t needed to go to the bathroom. Just because I have more kids than you do, or had 3 at one time, I do not have a harder job than yours. The effort you give to raising your wee ones isn’t less than mine. We are BOTH doing the best we can with the tools we’ve been given. The best we can with the tools we have. I want you to remember that when you see my Instagram feed, or someone else’s post about their blissful vacation where as far as you can tell, nothing went wrong. Stop comparing. Staaahhp. Are you doing your best? Because on some days, your very best will be getting out of bed and getting dressed! Maybe some days your best is that day trip with all 3 kids to the museum you’ve told them about for months now! You get credit for all of it.


Have you ever tried to put into words how you feel about someone who has been your role model your entire life? I’ll save you the hassle. It’s almost impossible.

The Blackburn Challenge

After weeks of preparation, bags stocked with water, electrolye infused jelly beans, sunblock, bug spray (green heads up the river), music playlist carefully curated, mojo bag full of crystals, and enough happy thoughts to fill an ocean, race day arrived. We met that morning with nervous bellies and excited thoughts.

A Summer Update

Contentment and peace reign over this self-proclaimed kingdom. One you’ve claimed by surviving the bitter winter and relentless, chilled spring of the region. Walking home, in the fading light, there will be towels to ring and wash, sand will linger on kitchen floors, even after being swept. Days of drinking in summer, being gluttons of the bright hot days will create piles of unwashed or unfolded laundry. But these weeks are not unending. Soon, too soon every year, the chill of the disappearing sun will come earlier, the sun will rise later, and the first tree to show it’s aging leaves will make your heart hurt just a little.

An Unexpected Delight About Parenting

I had no idea when I signed up for this mom thing, how utterly delighted I would be when my kids ALSO liked what I loved. I’m not going to hold my breath for anyone welling up in tears over a poem about a bus ride, but for now, our shared love of Shel Silverstein is more than enough.

On Mother's Day

A salute to the single moms, the married moms, the working moms, the moms who stay at home. The moms who work at home, the moms who take their kids to work. The moms who put on Pinterest birthday parties with perfectly crafted cupcakes, and the moms who throw a party together the day before with pizza and water balloons in backyard.